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铝镁锰板(直立锁边)防腐和耐久性好:金属屋面板一般有铝镁锰合金板和镀铝锌钢板两种,二者均具有卓越的抗腐蚀性能。铝镁锰板具有里量轻、强度高的特点,具有比普通铝合金更好的防腐和耐久性,特別是在酸性的环境下。 经过权威机构认证,在一般环境下,采用该材料制作的屋面板的使用寿命超过40年。除面板外,其他从辅料到配件及螺钉都具有良好的防腐浊能力,例如ST铝合金固定座下带有绝缘硬塑料隔热垫,隔离铝材和下部的钢底板或(c/z型钢)檩条,从而避免电化腐蚀;紧固件采用了进口不锈钢螺钉和防水铝铆钉,使得屋面的使用不因为某一环节薄弱而受影响。镀铝锌钢板使用寿命可达到普通镀锌钢板的四倍以上。
Aluminum magnesium manganese plate (standing seam) wind load: good standing seam roof under the stress bar to all metal roof panel systems. Because of its special fixing method, the stress concentration in the nail hole caused by repeated positive and negative wind pressure is avoided when the general screw fixing system encounters a strong wind. It has been proved by experiments that the specimens in the repeated loading test of 7kPa are not damaged. In the system, the single rib single point is still in elastic deformation under the simulated concentrated wind load of 1.5kN, and no damage occurs.
Aluminum magnesium manganese plate (standing seam) corrosion and durability: metal roof panels are aluminium magnesium manganese alloy plate and aluminium zinc plate two, two have excellent corrosion resistance. The aluminum magnesium manganese plate has the characteristics of light weight and high strength, and has better corrosion resistance and durability than ordinary aluminum alloy, especially in acid environment. After certification by the authorities, the roof panel made of this material has a service life of more than 40 years under normal circumstances. In addition to the panel, from other materials to accessories and screws with anti-corrosion ability such as turbidity, ST Aluminum Alloy holderup with hard plastic insulation insulation pad, isolation and the lower part of the steel plate or aluminum (c/z type steel purlin), so as to avoid galvanic corrosion; fasteners used imported stainless steel screws and waterproof aluminum the use of rivets, roof not because of a weak influence. The service life of aluminized steel plate can reach four times more than that of ordinary galvanized steel plate.
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